Tuesday, October 19, 2010



100g Lintel
150g Basmati Rice
1 cup vegetable oil 
5 large onions
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
Salt to taste

Wash the lintel and make sure it is free from small pebbles or dirt. Boil the lintel in 2 cups of water on slow fire. In the meanwhile, cut the onion into thin strips and fry it in oil until it turns golden brown. Remove onion from oil and put it on kitchen towel to drain the oil and stay crispy. Leave just a bit (a spoonful) of the onion in the pot and drain half the oil quantity. Continue frying the left onions until they are turn dark brown. Add 2 cups of boiling water to the onion mix (important use boiling water) and let them boil. Wash the rice and mix it with salt and spices. When Lintel is slightly soft (not very soft), drain any excess water and add the rice to the lintel. Add the onion and water mix to the the lintel and rice mix. Mix gently, cover the pot and let the mixture simmer on slow fire until the rice is done. If needed, gradually add small quantities of water. When done turn off the fire and leave the pot covered for 5 minutes. To serve, set the modardara mix in a serving dish and decorate the top with the golden brown onion strips. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Recipe: Traditional Lebanese Kitchen
Preparation time: 1 hour
Serves: 4 persons.

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